乳果糖检测试剂盒 Lactulose Assay Kit 货号:K-LACTUL Megazyme中文站


The Lactulose Assay Kit is suitable for the specific, rapid and sensitive measurement and analysis of lactulose in milk and milk-based samples. Reagents included in this kit may also be prepared for use in the procedure described by ISO Method 11285:2004.

UV-method for the determination of Lactulose in milk and
foodstuffs containing dairy products

(1) Lactulose + H2O → D-galactose + D-fructose

(glucose oxidase + catalase + H2O2)
(2) D-Glucose + H2O + O2 → D-gluconic acid + H2O2

(3) D-Fructose + ATP → F-6-P + ADP

(phosphoglucose isomerase)
(4) F-6-P → G-6-P

(glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase)
(5) G-6-P + NADP+ → gluconate-6-phosphate + NADPH + H+

(gluconate-6-phosphate dehydrogenase)
(6) Gluconate-6-phosphate + NADP+ → ribulose-5-phosphate + NADPH
+ CO2 + H+

Kit size: 50 assays
Method: Spectrophotometric at 340 nm
Reaction time: ~ 120 min
Detection limit: 4.8 mg/L
Application examples:
Milk, dairy products and foods containing milk
Method recognition: Novel method


  • Twice the sensitivity of traditional hexokinase based lactulose methods
  • Very cost effective
  • All reagents stable for > 2 years after preparation
  • Mega-Calc™ software tool is available from our website for hassle-free raw data processing
  • Standard included