L-海藻糖检测试剂盒 L-Fucose Assay Kit 货号:K-FUCOSE Megazyme中文站

The L-Fucose test kit is a simple, rapid and reliable method, for the measurement and analysis of L-Fucose in plant extracts, biological samples and other materials. This kit can be used in the measurement of α-fucosidases that do not act on chromogenic substrates.
Suitable for manual, auto-analyser and microplate formats.

UV-method for the determination of L-Fucose in plant material,
polysaccharides, pharmaceuticals and other materials

(L-fucose dehydrogenase)
(1) L-Fucose + NADP+ → L-fucono-1,5-lactone + NADPH + H+

Kit size: 100 assays (manual) / 1000 (microplate)
/ 1020 (auto-analyser)
Method: Spectrophotometric at 340 nm
Reaction time: ~ 10 min
Detection limit: 15.4 mg/L
Application examples:
L-Fucose is present as the main component in fucoidan (a marine
polysaccharide), foods, pharmaceuticals and other materials
(e.g. biological samples, etc.)
Method recognition: Novel method


  • Very cost effective
  • All reagents stable for > 2 years after preparation
  • Only enzymatic kit available
  • Simple format
  • Rapid reaction time (~ 10 min)
  • Mega-Calc™ software tool is available from our website for hassle-free raw data processing
  • Standard included
  • Suitable for manual, microplate and auto-analyser formats